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Red and Yellow Carnations Basket

Red and Yellow Carnations Basket
Red and Yellow Carnations Basket

40 Red And Yellow Carnation Basket:

It is an expression of love, respect, and beauty, with 40 red and yellow carnations beautifully arranged in a basket. The overall basket appears to be eye-catching. This basket of 40 long, fresh-cut red and yellow carnations is pleasing to the eye.

Experience the enchanting allure of your beloved flower by purchasing our breathtaking Red and Yellow Carnations Basket bouquet today. It serves as the perfect present for any momentous event, including birthdays, anniversaries, or weddings. Our skilled artisans have meticulously arranged this extraordinary assortment to evoke feelings of delight and gratitude, leaving your dear ones feeling cherished and adored.

Rs 2,207.00
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: FA-179

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